DCAA/DCMA Discuss Run Rules for New Business Systems Rule

Tuesday, 07 February 2012 00:00 Nick Sanders

Apogee Consulting, Inc. has been focused on the new DFARS Business Systems rule since its ill-begotten conception back in early 2010.  We submitted our comments and concerns to the DAR Council, and were disappointed that that interim rule (issued May 2011) addressed so few of our comments.  Nonetheless, our anxiety was ameliorated somewhat by DCMA’s policy addressing implementation of the rule, which created a Contractor Business Systems Review Panel for the purpose of performing “a higher-level review of the COs final determination to disapprove a Contractor’s Business System, prior to notifying the Contractor in writing that the system is disapproved.”

We also reported on early implementation efforts, noting that it seemed that enterprise-wide systems (e.g., Accounting or EVM) might carry more financial risk than segment-specific systems, since significant deficiencies at one segment might trigger payment withholds across the enterprise if those deficiencies led to the entire system being disapproved.

Since that time, we’ve gathered up a few more tidbits of information for sharing with our readership.

First, DCMA has issued a process flowchart, updated its OneBook guidance, and created training for its contracting officers.  You can find the Agency’s process flowchart and training slides on our site under “Knowledge Resources”—but only if you are a member.  (Remember, membership has privileges!)

Second, DCMA held an “Industry Day” to discuss the new Business Systems rule on December 15, 2011.  We weren’t invited (and couldn’t have attended even if invited), but we lucked into some good, detailed, notes from somebody who did attend that meeting.  We’re going to cut-n-paste (with a little editing) from those notes for you.

A representative of DCAA told the audience the following–

Representatives from DCMA told the audience the following—

Apparently, some disagreement emerged between DCAA and DCMA regarding the responsibilities of a prime contractor when its subcontractor has had a system disapproved and payment withholds initiated.  According to the meeting participant—

From our perspective, it’s good to see that DCMA is figuring-out (and letting contractors know) how it will be implementing the new rule.  We recommend that our readers carefully review the bullet points above and consider “socializing” the new run rules with employees.  It would also seem desirable to review the “run rules” with government oversight officials in order to make sure everybody has the same understanding of how the payment withholds—should they be deemed necessary—will be implemented.

We note that DCAA has taken a hardline stance (as has become all too typical of the audit agency), asserting that the new rule applies to subcontractor invoices to prime contractors.  While we are pleased to see DCMA (quite correctly) disagree with that position, we worry that DCAA will apply its flawed logic to its system reviews.  DCAA might well assert that a prime contractor’s accounting system has a significant deficiency because subcontractors are not directed (by the prime) to implement payment withholds when the subcontractor’s business systems have been disapproved.

Despite potential problems we continue to be encouraged that DCMA is thinking through its process, and that the process appears reasonable (given the inherent problems in the rule itself).  Obviously, the reasonableness of the process turns on the subjective nature of the definition of “significant deficiency” and how the DCMA COs will link the alleged significant deficiencies to the government’s risk of making overpayments to contractors.

The proof, as they say, will be in the pudding.

In the meantime, we’ll stay focused on DOD’s implementation of this new rule.