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Home News Archive Changes: Turn and Face the Strange

Changes: Turn and Face the Strange

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Lots going on these days. I’m finishing my six-week “Financial Management of Government Contracts” course later this week. I’ve started editing the second LexisNexis reference book. One of my clients is headed into arbitration. And I’ve got international travel coming up in May, June, and July. (That’s three trips, not one long trip.)

Oh, and I should mention that the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics has accepted my proposal to present at September’s Compliance and Ethics Institute. My presentation will be entitled “"Taking a Dynamic Approach to Compliance Risk Assessments for U.S. Government Contractors". That presentation has to be created and turned in to the conference staff well before the Institute starts.

Finally, I feel the need to write a couple of blog posts each week. Given the foregoing list of other activities, please forgive me if production slips a bit.

Moving on ….

Today’s article notes recent changes DCAA has made to certain audit programs.

  1. Testing of Paid Vouchers. (Link: here.) Don’t let the name fool you, these can be very tough audits—testing supplier payments, labor and timekeeping, and other direct costs.

  2. Truth in Negotiations Compliance. (Link: there.) As most of us know, DCAA intends to perform more of these audits as the audit agency ramps down from the frenzy associated with “incurred cost submissions” (aka “proposals to establish final billing rates”). Accordingly, we recommend scanning the revised audit program as a refresher.

DCAA also updated audit programs associated with contract terminations. If you have had a recent termination for convenience, we suggest you check out the appropriate audit program.



Effective January 1, 2019, Nick Sanders has been named as Editor of two reference books published by LexisNexis. The first book is Matthew Bender’s Accounting for Government Contracts: The Federal Acquisition Regulation. The second book is Matthew Bender’s Accounting for Government Contracts: The Cost Accounting Standards. Nick replaces Darrell Oyer, who has edited those books for many years.